Well I guess I am starting this blog because I want a way to keep my friends and family informed with my happenings, as well as have an outlet for all of my recent work. Also photography blogs have a big impact on the photographic community( Strobist, Chase Jarvis, A Photo Editor, ect..) and I thought it is high time I started my own. So to catch everyone up to speed I am living in Koreatown in LA with Jessica Pages and taking pictures. This past week artist and longtime friend Taylor Shields was in town visiting my cousin John Weems.

Jessica and I ate lunch with Taylor

Then we went for a bike ride with John

Jessica shot some Polaroid
While Taylor was in town we got to work on ponylegs.com which is a project we have been doing with a few other people.
I will be spending some more time on that in the next coming months and will keep you posted on its progress.