Well it was a dark day for photographers rights today. The Photoshelter Collection, the stock agency that set out to change the industry, announced today that it will close its doors early October. The news caught me way off guard to say the least. I had just recently become a member but I had been on board from the get go. I went to a town hall style meeting in LA a year ago when they first announced the Collection. What the Collection aimed to do was create a remarkable collection of quality and innovative imagery, give buyers access to imagery that they couldn't find anywhere else, and give photographers a fair share of money being made (70% of all sales whet to the photographers, unlike some traditional stock agencies where photographers get 30% or less) and the opportunity to set the price of there work, and most of all set up a sustainable system for the industry. It is a shame to see The Photoshelter Collection lay down its arms, it is not often that companies base a business on fighting for photographers rights. I think at the end of the day we as photographers only have ourselves to blame for letting our work become under valued and our creativity under appreciated. I really feel like The Photosheler Collection was a chance to put our money(content) where our mouths are. It is a shame to see that chance slip away. I must say that a future with out Photoshelter looks very dim, I now feel all alone, with out a place to make a stand. I wonder if photoshelter was the last glimmer of hope for photographers rights or just a jumping off point for more good things to come. We will just have to wait and see.
I never made any money from photoshelter, and probably wont before they close, but I was/am proud to take part in a really good thing. Today was not only a sad day for me, but also for anyone who was a fan of photoshelter's
Shoot! the Blog but the good news is that Rachel Hulin is still blogging
Well I guess I will still have pictures up for sale until October 10th so feel free to check them out.
Images for sale